Health is the most fundamental human need that exists — period. Without health, literally NOTHING else matters. Not your money, your friends and family, where you live, your job — NONE of that matters AT ALL unless it's built on a foundation of health. You carry your health with you everywhere you go, it is the constant and existential fuel humans thrive on. But of course, you already know this; you've embraced it, you live it, and - as your calling - you give it to other people. You're a fitness professional, imbued to provide healthcare to the world.
You also may find the word "healthcare" misplaced when it comes to your identity, but dig deeper and you'll see it, it's right there, it's been there all along — you are the truest embodiment of a healthcare provider. You provide care to improve health all day long, you always have from your first session with a client.
Despite this you're not viewed or respected as a healthcare provider. Not by the medical community, not by lawmakers, and not even by the communities of people you serve. The result? Our healthcare system is far more about disease management than anything having to do with health or care. Millions of people are suffering needlessly because of this for decades, but not anymore — the time is now. You've been made the outcast in healthcare delivery so much so you're not even invited into the room — until now!
The world has changed. We cannot afford, on a health or economic level, for so-called "healthcare" to be dominated by the ideology of disease management. The world is looking for answers to our healthcare crisis, and you are that answer. The world needs agents of change for human health. You are that agent of change, and you are ready to assume your rightful place on the frontlines of healthcare.
Improving human health and wellbeing by making fitness professionals an essential provider in the healthcare delivery system.
Dedicated to providing the skills, knowledge, and resources to assist fitness professionals on their journey to become essential, frontline, healthcare providers.
Growth: striving always to learn, evolve, and transform into better human beings.
Service: supporting the needs of others in spirit, words, and actions.
Collaboration: emphasizing the collective wisdom of all critical stakeholders.
Evidence-Based: adhering to the latest scientific consensus on all aspects of human health.
Michael Stack is a faculty lecturer for the University of Michigan’s School of Kinesiology. He is the creator and the host of the Wellness Paradox Podcast, produced in conjunction with University of Michigan. Michael is also the founder/CEO of Applied Fitness Solutions and Frontline Fitness Pros.
Michael is an exercise physiologist by training and a health entrepreneur, health educator, and fitness industry advocate by trade. He is dedicated to enhancing the standard of practice of, and advocating for, fitness and wellness professionals to ensure they become an essential constituent in the healthcare delivery system.
With a career spanning over three decades in fitness, health, and wellness Michael has a deep knowledge of exercise physiology, health/wellness coaching, lifestyle interventions to mitigate chronic disease and leadership. He is credentialed through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as an Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP), Exercise is Medicine practitioner (ASCM-EIM), and a Physical Activity in Public Health Specialist (ACSM-PAPHS). Michael is a National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and a CDC Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Lifestyle Coach.
Michael received his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan’s School of Kinesiology in 2004 and is currently a Master’s of Public Health (MPH) candidate at the University of Michigan, with a specific concentration in health behavior and health education.
Michael is a board of directors’ member for the Michigan Fitness Clubs Association. He sits on the University of Michigan’s School of Kinesiology Alumni Board of Governors. Michael is an expert curriculum reviewer for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Finally, he is a member of the executive leadership team for American Heart Association’s Heart Walk.
Michael lectures nationally for several health/fitness certification and continuing educations, including; IHRSA, the Medical Fitness Association, the National Strength & Conditioning Association, and SCW Fitness.